FBI National Academy Associates (FBINAA) meets in Bristol 25 & 26 September 2017
26 September 2017

The Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy Associates (FBINAA) held its 35th retraining conference in Bristol. The Opening Ceremony involved the Lord-Lieutenant, High Sheriff and Lord Mayor of Bristol together with eight of the Lord Mayor's Mace bearers from Avon and Somerset Constabulary. Approximately 300 delegates from the FBI posted in the US and in US embassies around Europe were joined by chiefs of police forces from 42 European countries. In the opening speech by Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding, she informed the delegates that the role of Lord-Lieutenant was created by King Henry VIII in 1536 to form militias to deal with wide-ranging threats. She noted the importance of bringing together delegates whose role is to face modern-day global threats and hazards. She noted the significance of the formal and informal networks created and their role in increasing the effectiveness of cross-border working. She congratulated delegates on their 35th annual conference and welcomed them to Bristol. She hoped their conference would be successful. Among keynote speakers were the Executive Assistant Director of the FBI Mr Paul Abbate, the Director General of the UK National Crime Agency Ms Lynne Owens and the Director General of Europol Mr Rob Wainwright. A banquet was held in the nave of Bristol Cathedral on 26th September where choral performances by the Cathedral Choir entertained the delegates. Among the dignitaries were the Police and Crime Commissioner Ms Sue Mountstevens, the Avon & Somerset Chief Constable Mr Andy Marsh and the Dean of the Bristol Cathedral Very Rev Dr David Hoyle. The event was organised by the Chief Constable of Staffordshire Mr Gareth Morgan (formerly Assistant Chief Constable of Avon & Somerset Constabulary).